GUMSHOE Community Logo

Welcome to the GUMSHOE Community!

Are you an GUMSHOE GM looking for challenges for your players? Are you a player looking for more options during the game, or a group who want to share your homebrew rules changes?

The GUMSHOE Community is a digital platform for creating self-published content for Ashen Stars, The Esoterrorists 2nd Edition, Fear Itself 2nd Edition, Mutant City Blues 2nd Edition, and TimeWatch like scenarios, GMCs, monsters, and more. As a creator, you can share your content free of charge, set a price that feels right for you, or choose a pay-what-you-want option.

What kind of content can I find here?

At the moment, content for Ashen Stars, The Esoterrorists 2nd Edition, Fear Itself 2nd Edition, Mutant City Blues and TimeWatch is available in the GUMSHOE Community. You can expect to find adventures, rules hacks, maps, deckplans, pre-generated character sets, GMCs and antagonists, and any number of new locations, new ships, new races, new monsters, and new ideas. Looking for new content to explore? Want something out of the ordinary to liven up your ongoing campaign? You'll find it here.

For a complete list of what is and isn't allowed in the GUMSHOE Community, please review our content guidelines here.

How do I start publishing content?

There are some restrictions on what you may or may not publish as part of the GUMSHOE Community. For a complete list of what is and isn’t allowed, check out the GUMSHOE Community Content Guidelines.

The GUMSHOE Community program provides a variety of free resources for publishers, including logos, layout templates, and artwork. These are listed among the products for the program. You’re free to use these resources, or to build your products from the ground up with your own graphic design, layout, art, and cartography.

After creating your title, visit the account page and look in the "My Content" section. There you will find the link "Add a new title". You must agree to the Community Content Agreement in order to upload a new title.

We give you a few pointers on how to publicize your product and ensure that it hits the right tone our fans expect.

After publication, all GUMSHOE Community content is available here. You can check your sales history, view reviews and fan discussions of your work, and book royalties through PayPal by clicking on the Account tab at the top of the page and selecting My Content.

Revenue for GUMSHOE Community content is split between you, OneBookShelf (the company that manages DriveThruRPG), and Pelgrane Press. You take half of the profits, and we divide the rest between us and OneBookShelf.

 Newest GUMSHOE Community Titles